Reporting at Lalor East Primary School

At Lalor East Primary School our curriculum focusses on developing students who are Literate, Numerate and Curious. We’re committed to catering for your child’s individual needs by using their unique strengths and interests when planning and assessing learning. There are a number of ways that teachers reports to parents/guardians about students’ academic learning and behaviour throughout the school year. Some of the ways we communicate your child’s learning progress include: written reports, learning tasks, parent/teacher Interviews and informal chats.

This report compares skills and knowledge in a number of curricula as detailed in the Victorian Curriculum Achievement Standards. These domains describe the essential knowledge, skills and behaviours students need to prepare for further education, work and life. In Semester 1 and 2, written reports are provided and include detailed information about your child’s achievement, progress, effort and behaviour through the use of Learning Tasks. Learning Tasks allow teachers to report on your child’s performance progressively for each semester so that you are able to see their academic growth.

Different methods of reporting occur throughout the year and include:

  • Three Way Conferences (Term 1)
  • Three Way Conferences (Term 3)
  • Learning Tasks (Term 1, 2, 3 and 4)
  • Student Portfolios (Term 4)
  • Conversations with teachers (Throughout the year)

We are keen to work in partnership with our families and believe that by providing a range of different reporting methods, we can capture your child’s learning progress and set goals for future learning.

Parent Guide to Accessing Reports on Compass
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