School Wide Positive Behaviour Support (SWPBS)

At Lalor East Primary School we have been developing and implementing School Wide Positive Behaviour Support. School Wide Positive Behaviour Support (SWPBS) operates on the premise that as well as being learners of Literacy and Numeracy, children are also learners of behaviour.

Under this model, it is the role of the teachers to explicitly teach children appropriate behaviours and to set behaviour expectations.

The program also recognises that some children are more skilled in this area than others. Approximately 80% of our students are making positive behaviour choices for the majority of the time and we need to recognise this fact. Our school community has identified and defined our five school values of: 

  • Respect
  • Caring
  • Honesty
  • Co-operation
  • Personal Best

Students are given constant reminders of the expected behaviours and how they refer back to our school values.

Our Behaviour Matrix has been developed in consultation with students, staff and our wider school community. Our matrix outlines our behaviour expectations in different settings across the school and how these align with our values. 

SWPBS ensures a safe and predictable environment for all students. When behaviour from students does not match the accepted standard in our matrix, all staff follow an agreed set of procedures as outlined in our Response to Student Behaviours Chart.

We use data and feedback to plan our School Wide Positive Behaviour Teaching Program and the areas of the focus for different times of the year.

To recognise positive choices and actions made by students we employ a variety of recognition and reward strategies (both intrinsic and extrinsic). Students receive a Focus on the Good Card which equates to 5 points every time they make decisions that reflect our school values. They can accumulate their points to redeem experience-based rewards (see menu below).

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