Parliament Prize Videos

In term 2, our grade 5/6 students prepared their submissions for the 2023 Parliament Prize. Each year, the Parliament of Victoria asks students across the state, from Grade 5 to Year 12, to share what they would say to parliament if they were an MP.

As part of their submissions, our students wrote a persuasive piece and prepared a video with their Member’s Statements. A Member’s Statement is a 90-second speech on any topic or issue that all Members of Parliament (MPs) have an opportunity to make.

Thanks to the relevance of the topics and overall quality of the videos, our school was granted the The Alicia Katz Award, which includes a $1,000 prize money. We would like to congratulate our students for this incredible achievement.

Road Rules Too Dangerous by Saida

Why Do Some Schools Get Less Crossing Road Supervisors by Jayla

Say No To Vaping by Natale

Reckless Driving by Kassem

Teacher Are Leaving Schools by Devin

Vaping: Cancer's Right Hand Man by Ahmed

Public Toilet Scarcity by Louis

The Teacher Shortage by Jina

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